Dark Petals is a soft exotic arrangement of violets, roses, and orchid flowers with exotic notes of vanilla and cedarwood. This soft unique yet gentle fragrance is the perfect blend to create a night of love and romance.
Fragrance: Dark Petals
Bergamot, Vanilla
Violet, Rose, Vanilla Orchid
Cedarwood, Leather
Mood: Soft, Floral, Romantic, Exotic
Our candles are hand-poured in small batches in Charlotte, North Carolina. We use a coconut apricot wax with cotton
wicks. Our candles are non-toxic as they are phthalate-free and dye-free.
10.5oz clear glass jar
Candle Care + Safety:
When first lighting your candle, let it burn for 2-3 hours. This will create a healthy wax pool. The wax pool should be approximately 1/2” thick and reach the edges of your container. Wax has a memory so a healthy pool will prevent tunneling and also maximize your burn time.
Trim your candle each time before relighting.
Never burn a candle for more than 4 hours at a time. Keep your candle within your sight and do not leave it unattended. Make sure to burn your candle on a heat-safe surface, in a well-ventilated area and out of reach of children and pets.